Saturday, October 16, 2004

Lover's Plea

First I want to say that I'm sorry about the typos in my last entry....seems the intricacies of editing still elude me, but I do promise to get the hang of it. But that is neither here nor there, and not nearly as important as my newest entry, my Lover's Plea....

I want to feel your proximity on my skin. I want to watch you drown in passion and I want to know that you want me to drown too. I want you to run free and wild through the jungle of my hair. I want you to sit across the table from me in awe and desire, enthralled with both my spirit and mortal vessel, obsessed with wet memories of last night and this morning.

Dear Lover, I plead for hungry kisses along my thigh at first morning's light --- the needy pull of your body to mine. I crave stolen moments and lusty glances, and a call to create a universe within our intimacy and ecstasies.

I throw myself Lover, from my pedestal to your ears, from my longings to your loins. I cast my crafty spell and air my sacred plea: Lover take me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
