Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010: New Decade, Fresh Perspectives & Tips for Manifesting

The annual tradition of tying up loose ends, starting fresh, and making wild promises is upon us, and yet this time around it seems like more. It’s a fresh decade, and while “the tens” may not roll off the tongue, their introduction ought give us time for pause.

Ten years ago, we partied like it was 1999, because it was. We hoped the Y2K bug wouldn’t cancel our bank balances, or send off missiles, while
we secretly hoped that the year 2000 meant we’d all get our own jetpacks.

Take a moment to reflect on that: on where you were, who you were, all that has transpired along your journey since. There have doubtless been days you’ve tried to wish away, and those you wished you could hold on to forever. People have left our lives, others have entered, and we ourselves have grown. Is there any way you could’ve envisioned your current self back in 1999? Probably not. Odds are, you’d be pretty amazed if you knew then what you know now.

These milestones of years, of decades, of evolving traditions, are perfect times for reflection, gratitude, and the making of new plans. Here are a few tips for resolving and manifesting in this new decade:

* Don’t simply resolve to quit things. Plan on replacing negative habits and patterns with positive choices, and focus on those.

* Every day is a fresh start. Failing yesterday is no reason to give up on today. Be better.

* Concentrate on what you want and not what you’re missing. As with driving, you steer toward what you’re looking at. If you focus on your bills, you will always have bills; if you remember your abundance, you will have abundance. If you want love, practice compassion, faith, and self-love.

* Visualize until it feels true. Want that promotion? Picture yourself behind that desk, gazing out your new corner office window. Allow yourself the pride, relief, joy, that you’ve made it.

*Positive energy snowballs just as well as negative, and the most common quality in happy people is the desire to be happy. You can only hold one thought at any given moment. Choose a happy thought.

* Remember to be your best self. Trying to be someone else’s best sets you up for failure. Find your voice and revel in it; love yourself for it.

* Life is too short for hate. That goes for others, and yourself. You will be amazed at how loving and respecting yourself will change your perception, and how others perceive you. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you love yourself. Do it. Preferably naked. You are beautiful. Now celebrate with a cookie.

* Remember to give thanks for the little things, the moments of kindness shared with strangers, the fleeting moments of beauty and perfection. Give thanks not only so that there may be more of them, but so they may stay with you longer, in heart and mind. Compassion is contagious.

* If we all vow to do unto others this year, as we would have them do unto us, this year will be blissful.

May your life be filled with abundance and joy,
and may you always be aware that it is.


Anonymous said...

Is that your own hand? What does it mean?

Dawn McSweeney said...

It is my hand, and it's the Sanskrit symbol for the word Om (or aum). It means the creation, existence and destruction of the universe, or our own birth, life and death. It is the sound of the eternal cycle and contination of the universe. It's used in meditation, and at th end of most yoga classes. Thanks for asking!

Anonymous said...

Do you know who I am? Do you want to communicate? Do you know about the blog? Is it true what A. said?

S. R-B. 2010 Jan 19

Dawn McSweeney said...

I do, and I would. I am aware of it, and don't waste energy on it. I don't know what A. said specifically, but would bet that it's true. My email is

Anonymous said...

The last part of the email address looks wrong. I'm not familiar with that. Is it gmail? Anyway, if you remember my address, drop info there. If not, I'll come back and look for info here again.

S.2010 Jan 20

Dawn McSweeney said...

Oops, gmail.

Dawn McSweeney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dawn McSweeney said...

As to "info" all I know is hearsay. I spend no time thinking of the delusional obsessions of a hateful person. You may be able to help me understand what happened after B.'s passing; I only heard rumours & never felt closure.

Anonymous said...

Seeking to confirm that m's email is received. It may have been dumped into your Junk Email. Can you confirm one way or another?

S. R-B.
Sunday night. Jan 31, 2010

Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

Dawn McSweeney said...

Nope, just little ol'me. But thanks so much for the kind words!

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.