Monday, July 31, 2006


The debaucherous days and nights we have joyfully burned
Will certainly make it to the pages of my history
Our laughter and play
Childlike and primal
Rewrites standards and will fill this sunbeam season
As we lay
And complain about how we can't find
With the people we want
But then
We can't find them either
And we hold each other

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Morse code in this morose mode...
Friends are the only place you can explore and still soar. Fifty things...

--Fifty rings to link us to Terra Firma. Thelema dilema on this flip side --flipped ride. Passenger seats not included. Merging soul traffic as we all sell our souls for the same things.

Vocational vacations as a hot sandy beaches somehow releases our urbananlity.But we're all looking to be someone different.

And to catch you have to be caught. So cross your eyes and hope to lie --still for a few moments, until this breathlessness turns to giddy play once again.

Once a friend, says tag you're it --and makes a quick getaway.