Thursday, April 10, 2008


I pressed flowers
Between the pages of a poetry book
Filled with lust and longing.

The pollen
Dyed the pages
And broken petals clung to the words like tissue paper and white glue
Until they blotted out the words.

I never finished the book.
I kept it
Whimsical symbol of summer dreams
Along with the flowers that were pressed
And tied with a piece of red thread
That we found on the way
To somewhere we never reached.


Anonymous said...

if you haven;t heard of these guys already go youtube them...taylor mali...buddy wakefield...

Dawn McSweeney said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the heads up; I enjoyed both, and will go back for more. Buddy Wakefield's Convenience Stores is amazing.

If you have any other suggestions, don't hesitate!

Anonymous said...

Paul 'sage' francis...he's a rapper but he does spoken word as well anyways...he actually signed buddy wakefield to his label...sage is brillant...makeshift up this morning...both are youtuberific...