Saturday, June 25, 2011

In Case

In the event of emotional emergency
Whether or not you believe
blame curse beseech teh sky until you realize
that you are smaller than the clouds
and just as temporary
and if they can be beautiful
knowing that they will be rain
you can probably survive the day.

Take the advice of the ancients and the pasionate and let 'er rip.
Sing broken hearted and broken voiced
until you forget that you are either and remember only
that you wish you knew more songs.
Then make them up and keep singing.

Explore your wisdom.
There is something that you understand better than your average bear does.
Something that resonates with you.
Bask in it.
Bathe in it.
It is yours for a reason
even if you don't see it.

Remember that they
all of them
has their moments of darkness
their journeys through tunnels that they can see no end to.
Sadness is an equalizer in this human experience
as is the wild laughter that splits your sides and shoots milk from your nose.
They are both true.
At all costs
focus on the latter.
Know that always
the choice is yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pleasant Post. This transmit helped me in my college assignment. Thnaks Alot