Wednesday, March 01, 2006

65 Days Till Tam Tams

You'll notice that I've added some fun links to maximize your viewing pleasure. This page is of course in a state of perpetual evolution as I figure stuff out, which is to say more honestly, thanx to my tech guy PG. Where on the web would I be without you?

I've been receiving a lot of feedback personally on my l'il blog, and I appreciate it immensely. Based on that, I can also say that readership is up, which also rawks, but I want to encourage people to post comments here too. And not just ads for your own page (though if it's honestly related, do it). If there are comments, there can be discussion and community. We can build a little Dawn-ville and grasp at the intangibles and unspeakables the universe has to offer together.

On a separate and damn cold note, real Montreal winter has finally and unfortunately kicked in. I, like so many, am starting to have a hard time keeping my chin up. A stiff upper lip is no fun, especially when it's frozen that way. In my search for cyber sunshine I've been finding a daily dose at this Tam Tams site. It's got a daily countdown to assure you that the good times will roll again, and over 300 pics that can bring summer to you, even from here. People who aren't from Montreal who would like to know where our island keeps its soul, should definitely take a peek and join us in spirit.

Since I've been in such a Hug-The-Mountain mood, I stumbled onto this site which has the history of the mountain and a bunch of neat stuff most Montrealers don't know. It may be a bit nerdy, but I enjoyed thoroughly...

Keep warm: only 65 days left... ;)

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